Brillo de Sol is a small school located on the outskirts of Antigua, Guatemala, that helps children with disabilities. Every year our family helps Brillo de Sol with donations for small projects. This year, their Principal reached out to us with a list of items they are in great need of, from dirt to start a little garden to teach children how to plant, to sanitizer gel, soap, and repairs for their leaky roof (which Guatemala has a very rainy winter season that last 5-6 months of the year!).
I would like to invite you to join me in our "Brillo de Sol Fundraiser” to meet our goal of $5,000 for this year. We have amazing products that will be raffled, including 2 Baby Tula Carriers they so graciously have donated to us! By participating in this "Brillo de Sol Fundraiser", you directly impact the lives of children in Guatemala.
Mikoleon's vision is a world without hunger and the vices that poverty brings, where children are free to live vibrant, autonomous lives. We are so pleased to announce that we have a little something for you for helping us with this cause. We will be raffling 1 Mikoleon All Leather Backpack and 1 Mikoleon Denim Embroidered Jacket on our first raffle. We will also host a second raffle in December for 2 Baby Tula Carriers and 1 Custom Pair of Leather Boots for adult or child. Once you donate a $10 minimum (no maximum) you will be entered to win one of our awesome items. Each $10 donation is an entry.
Thank you to Tula Baby for their donation, to all the admins from different Facebook groups that so quickly agreed to help us out, and thank you for your donation! Your donation is tax deductible.
Cony Larsen Founder Mikoleon LLC